Idle land that is lying within the urban plan areas and whose use right has been leased for real estate development shall be handled according to the "Urban Property Administration Law of the People's Republic of China". 在城市规划区范围内,以出让方式取得土地使用权进行房地产开发的闲置土地,依照《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》的有关规定办理。
If the leased property is in use currently and is producing economic benefits, the leasor and lessee may decide through negotiation whether the leased property shall be returned; 租赁物正在继续使用且发挥效益的,对租赁物是否返还,可以协商解决;
Where the lessee sublets the leased property without the consent of the lessor, the lessor may rescind the contract. 承租人未经出租人同意转租的,出租人可以解除合同。
According to the lease contract, the leasor has selected the supplier or leased property completely based on its own knowledge and judgement for the lessee; (一)出租人根据租赁合同的约定完全是利用自己的技能和判断为承租人选择供货人或租赁物的;
The Smith family leased the property to them. 史密斯家把房地产租给了他们。
Copy of the Property Title relating to the leased property-provided by Party A. 由甲方所提供用于出租物业的有关所有权证明。
The leasor, not subject to the approval of the lessee, has changed the supplier or leased property chosen by the lessee. a succession of one-man stalls offered soft drinks (三)出租人擅自变更承租人已选定的供货人或租赁物的。一连串提供饮料的一人售货亭
The place where the leased property is used shall be deemed to be the place of the performance of the contract for financial leasing. 租赁物的使用地为融资租赁合同的履行地。
Seller shall give written notice to the landlord, if any, that property of the buyer has been placed on the seller's leased premises and that such property is not subject to the landlord's lien. 如有业主,卖方应书面通知业主买方的财产已经放置在卖方租用的经营场址,且业主对该财产不存在留置权。
Article 9 The leased property purchased from foreign countries and for which the litigants in the contract for financial leasing agreed in the contract to pay the rent in foreign currency, such contract shall be deemed valid. 九、租赁物从境外购买的,融资租赁合同当事人约定用外币支付租金,应认定为有效。
Alters the structure of the leased property or uses the leased property other than for the purpose started herein without party a's consent. 未得甲方同意将出租房擅自拆改结构或改变用途的。
Sublets the leased property without party a's written consent; 未得甲方书面书面同意,将出租房屋擅自转租;
Where the maintenance affects the use of the leased property, the rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended correspondingly. 因维修租赁物影响承租人使用的,应当相应减少租金或者延长租期。
The property returned shall be in conformity with the conditions after use according to the terms of the contract or the nature of the leased property. 返还的租赁物应当符合按照约定或者租赁物的性质使用后的状态。
If it sublets the leased property without permission or carries out illegal activities, the lessor shall have the right to rescind the contract. 擅自将租赁财产转租或进行非法活动,出租方有权解除合同。
A.If it does not provide the leased property at the time stipulated in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages. 未按合同规定的时间提供出租财产,应偿付违约金。
If the company has leased out the completed property or portion of it, please describe the GFA offered for lease, the occupancy, the rental income, brief tenant mix profile and related management and marketing strategy. 若公司已将竣工物业的全部或其部分租赁出去,请说明待租物业的楼宇面积、租赁期限、租金、住户户型及相关管理和营销策略。
Without party a's prior written consent, Party B may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party. 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租或租给其他的第三者。
Each of the applications was alleged to have contained a false statement that Cheng did not have any direct or indirect financial interest in the leased property. 有关申请书涉嫌载有虚假的陈述,即郑于租赁物业并没有直接或间接的财务权益。
Lease or rent all or part of ( a leased or rented property) to another person. 把全部或部分的租赁物再租给另一个人。
Bond secured by leased property 以租入财产担保的公司债券
Party A shall pay a management fee equivalent to the leased property to Party A for the management and maintenance of the leased property. 作为物业公司对该租赁房产的管理和维护,甲方必须每月向物业公司支付物业管理费及取暖费。
The lessor shall, in accordance with the time and standards provided in the contract, turn over the leased property for the use of the lessee. 出租方应按照合同规定时间和标准,将出租的财产交给承租方使用。
Save as stated in the above, the leasor shall generally not bear any responsibilities for the quantity or quality of the leased property. 除上列情形外,出租人对租赁物的质量、数量等问题一般不承担责任。
The lessee may, because of work requirements, assign the use of the leased property to a third party, but it must first obtain the consent of the lessor. 承租方因工作需要,可以把租赁物转让给第三方承租使用,但必须事先征提出租方的同意。
Where the value of the leased property is greater than the credit of the leasor, the amount above the credit shall be returned to the lessee; 租赁物价值大于出租人债权的,其超出部分应退还承租人;
The leasor has appointed the supplier or leased property; (二)出租人为承租人指定供货人或租赁物的;
Upgrading made to leased property under operating lease contracts. 指在依营业租赁契约承租之租赁标的物上之改良。
The rules of not breaking the sale of lease, breakthrough the principle of debt relativity, exception to Lessor not have to bear the risk of the leased property, Let the lessee has some close to the permissions. 买卖不破租赁的规定,脱离了债权相对性原则,例外地使承租人不必承受出租人让与租赁物的风险,使承租人取得某种接近对世的权限。